We Provide Smart Energy Solutions

General, Smart Energy

When it comes to smart energy solutions, MMB Networks stands out for our expertise in building connected products and creating innovative solutions that truly help solve problems. By leveraging innovative technologies, you can optimize your energy management processes, increase efficiency,…

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MMB Launches Wi-SUN Border Router

General, Smart Energy, Wi-SUN

We’ve launched our new MMB Wi-SUN Border Router! This device is an industrial, Din rail mountable, single board Linux computer that contains MMB’s latest Wi-SUN Module. This device can join anywhere between 500 and 1000 Wi-SUN nodes to this single…

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Wi-SUN Interoperability

General, Smart Energy, Wi-SUN

Can we make all meters speak to the same HES? While it may require some cooperation from the meter vendor to ensure we can interact with it and extract the DLMS/COSEM Application Protocol Data Units (APDU) the answer is YES.…

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